Look at those lips...so cute! |
Chase and his fire pajamas I bought before he was born. They are size 12 month, but isn't size relative? ; ) |
We took Chase to his 6 month appt. on 8/30. Both Ava and Chase did very well waiting for the Dr. We were there for an hour they were so busy! Per the Dr., Chase is a blue ribbon winner. He is 28.5 inches long (92%) and 18.5 lbs. (66%). He wears 12-18 month clothes and is developmentally right on: rolling everywhere, babbling, grabbing an object and moving from hand to hand, sleeping thru the night and eating solids like a champ. 4 squares a day! He really likes bananas and oatmeal for breakfast and anything orange. I have to sneak peas or green beans in every other spoon when I feed him lunch!! Chase can now start eating meat with his meals for extra protein. And of course his sounds while he eats are adorable. HMMMMMMM! with eat bite! He does have little eczema patches all over but not bad. Dr. Lubbert was not concerned that he could not sit up on his own. He said with his size it is hard to get into a sitting position and that he might just move from rolling everywhere straight to walking. Nothing to worry about. GREAT! I thought. Chase smiles almost all the time except when he hears a loud noise, then he cries and it is sooo cute to see because he rarely cries. He loves to kick and now lies on his back and lifts his butt off the floor with his feet in a rhythm. Chase now has two little teeth on the bottom and looks like he is working on about 4 on the top right now. He adores big sissy so much. Ava talks and plays with him and even gets toys for him to play with. His next appt will be at 9 months in Nov.
Ava loves to play dress up.
Just look at our perfect princess! |
True to life bunker gear pajamas...complete with air pack.
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