Last year at this time I was preparing to go in for an induction, to make sure baby came when Grandma Rita was here to watch Ava. I called the hospital the night of Feb 18th to see if a bed was available, and of course they were jam packed with pregos. (This happens when a snow storm hits.) Shannon is on his way to Denver to pick up Rita from the Airport, with Ava in a snow storm! My friend Karen sat with me at home incase a bed opened up at the hospital later that evening. But it would be one more night at home. The night nurse called the next morning at 6 am to tell us we could come in whenever we wanted. I believe Shannon dragged his feet and we finally left by 7:45 am. ; ) I was so ready to meet this little baby boy.
From the moment I saw his face and held him close, my heart was taken. I thought there was no way I could love a 2nd child like the 1st, boy was I wrong!
Now after he was checked, cleaned, weighed/measured (7 lbs. 11 oz., 20 1/4 in. long), they ask what his name will be. Shannon and I look at each other because the previous day I told him I was not sure about this baby being an "August" (Shannon's great-grandfather's name). So we decided we needed to meet this baby to decide. Well it took a phone call to let Grandma Rita and Ava know that baby Balvanz was here, to get the answer! Rita says, "Why not Chase Lee?" Chase was the middle name I had chosen and loved so much, August was Shannon's first choice, but we had never put Chase and Lee together!!! Bells go off, we love it!! This quiet, cuddly, tiny little boy now had the perfect name.

Chase Lee, you are the peas to Ava's carrots, the yin to her yang. What a miracle that you chose us to be your family! We are now complete because of you. XO
Ok, Jamie, yet again you make me cry. You are so blessed to have both Ava and Chase. I can so seee how you would compare his yin to her yang. They are so opposite but so much alike. Can't wait to see you on Sunday. Oh yeah, here's the R.S.V.P. ;-)
Blog more often please! I miss little chase....
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