Monday, February 28, 2011


I hate change.  I avoid it like the plague.  But a few months ago, I started thinking that things needed to change.  I am a good mom and I love my children so much, but I started to notice a change in me when I worked 3 days a week as opposed to none.  I was much calmer, nicer, and excited to be home when I worked more!  I know it makes no sense!!  So I fought the little voice in my head that said "what if?", until I finally talked to Shannon and said "I think it's time for me to return to the working world full time."  An opportunity came open at the company that I have been working part time for 3 yrs and had started full time with in January of 2007.  So with enthusiasm I took it and I start tomorrow.  But it has been a LONG week of trying to get the house ready and kids ready to go to daycare.  Chase can't have a bottle, pacifier, baby food, high chair or crib in the toddler 1 rm he will be in.  And Ava will have to change preshools and now will go everyday!  I really started to think is this worth it, to turn my family upside down so 1. we can have a little more income and 2. for my career?  Well it all came together today.  I finally relaxed, which relaxed the kids; I put them back on the schedule I have always had them on, they will only be at daycare for a 85 full days a yr; and I enjoyed my children for the last day as a stay at home mom.

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