The Balvanz's are adjusting to mommy going back to work full-time. And after 6 weeks, I am happy to report that everyone-including mommy-is just fine! A lot has happened too...Chase started walking 2 days before his 1st birthday, we had his party, started to look for daycare/preschool centers to take the kids and of course my 1st full week at work. After researching 3 daycares, I put each up to the challenge of meeting the needs of a firefighter family. With Shannon only working 10-12 days a month, we do not need full-time daycare and we didn't want the children to HAVE to go full-time. The daycare that met all our criteria was Sunshine Learning Center! It was the first place we visited, I loved the director from the start, which was over the phone! When you walked in it was bright, fun, and truly felt like an in-home daycare. The teachers did NOT look overwhelmed and the children looked happy as well. Sunshine has a Christian based curriculum (which we both felt was VERY important), there is outside play time 2x's a day (which in Colorado and with our kids is VERY important), and it was a smaller center with pre-school and pre-K teachers as well. And the best part is they can go everyday for a 1/2 day and then when Shannon works they are there for a full day. (It averages out to 7 full days a month!)

The first day was hard of course, Ava was already use to going to pre-school so she couldn't wait to get off her coat and meet new friends! And Chase was very excited to play with new toys and friends as well. So really it was only hard on the Mommy, but isn't it always!! ; ) The week went fast, but by Friday I was overwhelmed and couldn't wait to see the kiddos for a whole 2 days! : ( So then you start to quantify the actual time you spend with them as opposed to what it use to be like (together 24/7) and then you start beating yourself up over what you did!! The next week was a little easier on me and I stopped beating myself up and of course adjusting to working everyday again!
Then.....it starts! Chase-Fevers, coughing, runny noses, thinking its teething, but only to find out it is DOUBLE ear infection. Then I really started beating myself up! Then Ava gets sick. I have only been at work for 4 weeks! ....
Now everyone is back to being healthy, thank goodness.
A week ago I wanted to thank the kids' teachers for truly helping them adjust and get through this transition. I just got them some gift cards to Starbucks, but wanted them to know how greatful I was to them for taking care of my babies. I always feel good dropping them off for the day.
It is so fun when I pick them up to hear about Ava's day, since Chase can't exactly tell me, though he does jibber-jabber about it! The center has weekly themes, projects, etc. Ava is always excited to talk about her many art projects!!! Chase gets a daily report with what books they read, what activity toys they worked with, and always the heart breaker for me is the art projects he gets to do too! I am starting a portfolio of the things they have done, just to remember that feeling of "the kids are just fine."
Double ear infection! Poor Chase! Damn you Germ-Infected Daycare Kids!
The self-inflicted guilt never stops, but trust your mommy-gut! I'm glad everyone is adjusting to the new routine.
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